5 Rules for YouTube Crypto Marketing

Youtube Crypto Marketing

Anyone marketing products or services in 2024 should pay special attention to YouTube. It is one of the most visited sites in the world and is essentially without any rival. The YouTube marketing space has also proven huge, whether paid ads or YouTuber sponsorships. The robust marketing scene on the site also means that YouTube Crypto Marketing should be taken much more seriously. 

But how do you go about marketing your crypto business on YouTube? There is no one-size-fits-all approach but there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Mind Your Niche

One of the reasons why YouTube is such a great place to market is because there are so many niches of content on it. From cooking to comedy and everything in between, there is no shortage of influencers and creators to leverage. At the same time, you’ll need to be very cautious about niches to get the most benefit. 

First, make sure to partner with influencers who operate within the crypto/blockchain space. Ideally, you want one that creates content that is as close to what you want to market as possible. For example, if you’re looking to push a crypto wallet, a wallet reviewer will be a better pick than an NFT influencer. One way to ensure this is to look at the crypto companies the creator has worked with in the past and look out for those that are similar to yours. 

Another thing to consider is the follower breakdown. If your product is geared towards a certain gender, geographic location, or age, make sure you choose an influencer that has this demographic as their core follower group.

Youtube Crypto Marketing

  • Have Everything in Writing 

Anyone with experience working with YouTube creators for marketing will tell you that you need to be very specific about what you expect. First, have a contract specify how many videos you will sponsor and how much you will pay in total. But beyond the number of videos and price, you should also specify what you want your promotion to look like. 

Many businesses offer a reference sheet that specifies how many seconds they want their shoutout to be and at what point in the video they want it to occur. You might have noticed that many sponsor shoutouts are placed in the first quarter of the video and there is a good reason for that. By having your shoutout placed early enough, you get the most eyes on your business. 

You can also specify certain keywords, phrases, images, and clips that should be used to get the best results. To get the most value for your money, you don’t want to leave anything to chance and being as specific as possible while also letting the creator put their spin on things will help. 

  • Don’t Neglect Traditional Ads 

While a lot of YouTube marketing conversations tend to centre around partnering with influencers, you need to also pay attention to traditional ads. These types of ads refer to those played before a video starts and several times in between. They are less personalized than influencer shoutouts but are nevertheless a vital part of YouTube crypto marketing. 

These ads are much faster to deploy than influencer collaborations and can be done with absolute creative control on your part. Another benefit of these ads is that you can get very in-depth analytics straight from YouTube, including the click-through rate. These will make it easier to compare results with ads on other platforms and can be run for as long as you want. 

Depending on your budget, you might want to run feed ads as well as influencer collaborations to gauge which works better for your business. No single technique is necessarily superior and trying multiple will help.

Youtube Crypto Marketing

  • YouTube Crypto Marketing Repetition

Getting people to engage with your business will likely take repeated exposure. Statistics show that the average consumer needs to see an ad multiple times before they decide to make a purpose. This means that you can’t put out a single ad or collaboration and expect sales to start rolling in. 

If you use a traditional YouTube ad, make sure it runs for a significant amount of time so that customers in your target market will see it multiple times and hopefully make a purchase. The same applies if you partner with an influencer; instead of a single instance of a sponsorship, agree to multiple video ads with progress reports in between. That way, your business is seen multiple times with enough time to tweak the ad as needed in between.

Always keep in mind that you’re competing with many other businesses in your field and you’ll need to harness the power of repetition before you can stand out among them. 

  • Keep it Short

If there’s anything modern consumers have, it’s short attention spans. Study after study has shown that social media users will only watch content for a few seconds before scrolling. This means that your content needs to be short and to the point if you’re going to leverage YouTube crypto marketing. 

Consumers do not want to see a 10-minute video about your product and are more likely to tap the ‘skip’ button rather than pay attention. So, make your YouTube ads short and make sure you place the hook within the first few seconds to keep viewers locked in. The same applies to collaborations with YouTubers; keep the ad at 90 seconds max and make sure the value of your product is communicated as quickly as possible.


YouTube crypto marketing is an important strategy you don’t want to miss out on when pushing your product or service. The world of YouTube can be a way to open your business up to a new audience but should be apprsoched with a lot of intention.

As we’ve pointed out, you need to have all your obligations and specifications put in writing when dealing with creators, make sure your ads are seen as frequently as possible and are shown to the right demographics. 

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