The crypto industry is global, and so are the businesses that operate within it. Whether you’re selling tokens, running a GameFi title, or anything else, your audience as a crypto business is essentially anyone on the internet. And, naturally, this must be reflected in your crypto campaign.
If you’re putting out a campaign, you’ll probably have to adapt it to different regions to get the best results. But why is this so important? How can you make this sort of adaptation effective?
Why Should You Adapt Crypto Campaigns?
While it might be more work to adapt a crypto campaign as opposed to just using a single one across regions, there are many reasons for this. First, different markets respond to different types of marketing. Take a look at the ads run by major corporations in the UK vs the US and you’ll see that there are nuances even in similar regions.
By adapting campaigns, you can have a bigger impact on your audience and maximize returns. You can also avoid being culturally insensitive or wasting resources on marketing in a region that doesn’t like the campaign. So while it costs a lot of time and money, campaign adaptation is very much worth it.
How to Adapt Your Campaigns
Now that you know the importance of campaign adaptation by region, here are a few ways to go about it:
Create Separate Social Media
If you plan to run campaigns in different regions consistently moving forward, you might want to create separate social media for this purpose. Having separate social media means that there is a dedicated space to launch these campaigns online and one that fans can connect with.
If you plan to, for example, launch a campaign in the US and another in France, and look to promote yourself in these countries repeatedly, you’re better off separating the two into multiple accounts rather than confusing your audience. This is the same way that multinationals often have different social media for the countries that they operate in and the same can be done for the crypto space.
Language and Slang Used in Crypto Campaign
The most basic part of adapting a crypto campaign for multiple regions would be to translate the language. After all, you’re not running a crypto promotion for the French market written in English. As you do this, make sure that you have a professional on hand to translate and don’t rely on unverified tools. The last thing you want is to create a campaign that is poorly translated or which loses the nuances of language. You also want to incorporate slang that is commonly used in that region and that customers can relate to.
Choose Relevant Influencers and Spokespersons
As we’ve talked about in previous blog posts, influencers and spokespeople can be a great way to reach a new audience and generate associative benefits for your crypto campaign. But if you’re launching the same campaign in different regions, you have to be careful of this. An influencer who is a big deal in the UK but unknown in the US will not benefit you if you’re marketing to the latter.
So, when choosing influencers and spokespeople, do some research about their audiences and where they have the most pull. And, if your budget allows it, consider having different influencers for different regions.
Watch Out For Cultural Sensitivities
The only thing worse than having an ineffective crypto campaign is having one that offends the audience you’re trying to convert. This is why you need to make sure your campaigns are adapted to the sensitivities of whatever region they’re being advertised in.
This could mean avoiding certain slang, not using certain colours, and so on. Not only can people be offended but you could even have your campaign censored by the regulatory bodies of the region. So, have a sensitivity reader look over the ad before it goes out. This could be a member of your team or someone who lives in the region and understands the climate.
Adapt Imagery
A simple way to adapt a crypto campaign is to use imagery that ties to the regions in question. It might seem like a cliché, but having a landmark associated with the country or region drives home the message that it is for them. If you have a crypto token mascot, for example, you can create campaign images that show it engaging with the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty, the Coliseums, and other national landmarks. It’s a cheeky marketing gimmick but one that shows intention, which many customers will appreciate.
Do Your Research
You will not be the first business to advertise in multiple regions, which means that there is a wealth of examples you can look to for guidance. Search up campaigns by both crypto and non-crypto companies and see how the ad changes from one region to the other. This can give you a ton of inspiration for your own campaign, and show you the pitfalls to avoid. Look through social media sites as well to see how marketing is adapted across regions.
Keep Campaigns Aligned
While you might have different campaigns for different regions, they all need to be kept as aligned as possible. First, launch them at the same time and using the same platforms (unless you choose to use region-specific platforms for some of these activities). Make sure the message is kept consistent across the campaigns and that the results are being tracked in real time. Of course, review the campaign performance afterwards and compare how different audiences responded, using this information for future endeavours.
A crypto campaign can be an amazing chance for your business to reach new audiences and maximize its gains. But as you pursue an international audience, you have to make sure your campaigns are adapted. Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, it needs to reflect the tastes and nuances of the audience it is targeting for maximum results.