The blockchain sector thriving means that there are more conferences being held each year than ever before. From the more generalist blockchain conference that touches on every aspect of the industry to those focusing on crypto, NFTs, and so on, there’s never been a better time to organize one.
With that comes the question of how to market these conferences. After all, they are not quite the same as other conferences you’ll see and the audience is unique in its needs. In this article, we’ll touch on how to market a blockchain conference.
When to Announce
The key to marketing a blockchain conference is to know when to release announcements for maximum impact. Ideally, as soon as your conference name, date, and venue are confirmed and planning is underway, you want to make an announcement to get folks excited. Then, you’ll want to make another announcement once tickets for the event are available, once sponsors are confirmed, and so on. To keep the conference in the news as much as possible, you’ll want to make an announcement every few weeks at least leading up to the event itself. And as various developments take shape, you should have enough of them to make.
Press Releases
Press releases are not just a way to circulate news across the industry but can also be used to get the word out to journalists and the public. As we said in the previous point, you’ll need to make announcements at several stages in the process of organizing your blockchain conference and this includes putting out press releases. Besides your own press releases, sponsors and attendees will likely put out their own PRs announcing their involvement in the conference and this will only help to market the event.
Drumming Up Blockchain Conference Hype
As the event approaches, you need to make sure that potential attendees and the media are excited about your blockchain conference. This means that outside of the general announcements, you have to drum up hype for it. For example, make sure to market the location as well as the event. If your conference is being held in Greece, for example, put out content that highlights the attractions in the country and what there is to do. Also, tease the keynotes and talks being given by your speakers and let people know why they should be excited to see them. Every aspect of your blockchain conference can be used to generate hype so make sure to do so.
To market your blockchain conference properly, you’ll have to reach your audience on the platforms that they congregate around. These include crypto news sites, blogs, magazines, and so on. Have your press releases published on these sites using a service like what BTCWire offers and make sure the links to your website and socials are listed. If your budget has room, run banner ads or paid feature stories on these publications to make sure the blockchain crowd knows about your conference and all the reasons they should attend. By doing this, you gain not just visibility but credibility as well.
Social Media
In 2025, no one should underestimate the power of social media in generating buzz around anything, including, a blockchain conference. As soon as the conference is confirmed, create official social media handles for it and update them with content showing the preparations. Countdown with your followers, show behind-the-scenes content, and so on. As the conference is underway, post pictures, videos, and other content of attendees and have a dedicated hashtag to drive engagement. Even after the conference has ended, continue to post to the account and engage with followers so it will be easier to build momentum for the next edition.
A newsletter benefits your blockchain conference in several ways. First, it helps to keep potential attendees abreast of new information and can be used to convert sales. Every week or so, you can publish a roundup of how preparations have veen made towards the conference, publish summaries during the conference, and keep people engaged in between different editions. Just like with social media, it can help advertise to previous attendees and make sure that when a new market cycle begins, you already have interested parties.
We’ve touched on the importance of branding several times and this applies to a blockchain conference as well. From the beginning, you need to decide on a specific brand identity for the event and reinforce it at every turn. This means logos, colours, an overall theme, and aesthetics. This also extends to the choice of speakers, the themes given to keynotes, and even the location of the event. Some blockchain conferences keep themes fairly similar from one edition to the other and others switch things up each time. No matter what route you choose, make sure you are consistent with it.
Leveraging Attendees
Your marketing efforts can be several times more effective when you leverage the reach of your attendees. In the lead-up to the event, engage with them online and encourage them to spread the word about the blockchain conference. At the conference itself, put up instagramable backgrounds and props to encourage attendees to post about the event and have a hashtag to organize the related content. After the conference, repost user-generated content to keep your feed fresh and keep your event at the forefront of everyone’s mind.
Marketing a blockchain conference is a delicate process that starts long before the event happens and continues even after it ends. From the day the conference is confirmed, you’ll need to fire on all cylinders and leverage every single avenue to reach both the press and the public. From putting out press releases to posting on your socials to optimizing your event to be as sharable as possible, your blockchain conference has to be visible, connect with attendees, and be well-documented. This not only ensures initial event success but positions future events to succeed as well.